Using some of the most popular apps to target children, these digital dealers claim to have prescription opioids for sale, but they often deliver counterfeit pills laced with fentanyl instead.
Just two milligrams of fentanyl are enough to kill a full-grown adult. The scary part is users often have no idea what they are taking, and too many parents have found out too late that just one pill can kill.
That is why I released our Fast Facts on Fentanyl Toolkit to help parents keep their children safe. The kit is full of information highlighting the dangers of synthetic opioids and how drug dealers operate.
For example, dealers may use emoji codes to conduct illicit transactions. Here are some of the more common drug codes:
- Prescription Drugs: 💊🅿️ 🍫
- Dealer Advertising: 💰🔌🍁
- Cocaine: ❄️⛄🔑
- Marijuana: 💨🌲🔥
Stay safe, Florida.
In The News
Florida’s attorney general educating parents against ‘digital drug dealers’, WOKV Jacksonville
Moody: Drug dealers using social media to target minors, Florida Keys News
Attorney General Ashley Moody Releases Fast Facts on Fentanyl to Educate Parents, Space Coast Daily
Florida AG Warns Parents About Dangers of ‘Digital Dealers’, Epoch Times
She was supposed to be taking care of a patient. Instead, officials say Duval healthcare professional sat in her car, First Coast News
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From left to right: Attorney General Ashley Moody, MFCU Administrative Assistant Kaitlyn Bock, MFCU Tampa Chief Jennifer Blanton